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Enough of this

Hi 2nd Floor, I have been so stressed lately. i haven't been able to get any work done. I will probably fail every class this marking period. I will still pass if i do because i got honor roll all of the other marking periods. Anyway, i score 95 to 100 on basically EVERY test. i hate my teachers a… read more

Biology Teacher

At first, it was funny but it got old fast. I am in a special ed class (that i really don't need to be in) and the teacher, every day, likes to imply that we are stupid and lazy, and that we are going nowhere in life. Heck, he compared us to natural selection this week! he said we will be the ones… read more


Hi second floor, My teacher is being an a*s!!! im sorry for cursing but she ruins my life!! i know that every student says that they hate their teacher but my problem is serious... My teacher is very rude to me and my friends... and WE DIDNT EVEN DO ANYTHING BAD TO HER!!!! when she has a bad day ab… read more

School kind if sucks

I honestly hate school do much. I don't get bullied or anything. I'm actually student council president, on varsity sports and people like me. I just always feel so stupid. My grades aren't necessarily bad. My highest grade is. 99 average in bio and my lowest is an 83. But I still always feel stupi… read more


Me and a few of my friends are like...3/4 ahead of the class. Literally. We do our homework during school becase there's nothing else to do during the 30 min the rest of the class is doing work. I spend 7 hours a day learning nothing. I do lots of activities but rarely my homework because I am b… read more

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