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So i was running really late to school and when i got there i saw my whole school evacuating so i just went back home. Did i do wrong? read more

I'm stuck and no one can help me

I'm a Freshman in high school, and the year is coming close to an end. I still have a ton to do, and my grades just slipped through my fingers. Every night I spend working on backlogged work, I forget about other stuff, and my grades keep dropping. I feel so alone, because I was a push student in m… read more

I am a loner and my grades are dropping

After the new semester of school started, I didn't have any periods with my friends. So I just did nothing and stayed at my locker for lunch and stared into the distance during actual classes. I feel so bored and I stopped paying attention so my grades are dropping. A week ago I started walking to … read more

why do people chose to pick on me

All of my life i was bullied. But this year it got really worse and i cant handle it anymore. I'm starting to cry more. My mom and dad used to to drugs and left me, my mom had the courage to stop but i don't know where my dad is or if he still does it. He left me, my younger brother dale, and my o… read more

Stress attacks

Last year was my first year of high school and I had this English teacher, who I have again this year, that likes to assign big projects over the span of a month or so. Between last ear and this year there have been like 5 projects and when it gets down to 2 or so weeks left I began to really get s… read more

This is a safe space to share what's on your mind and to get support from real people.

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