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New Girl Issues

So i kinda knew this girl from other people and other girls i hung out with before. She messaged me on Instagram and said that i was really cute and thought i seemed fun and we should hang out and stuff. I told by best friend who has a girlfriend that knew her from school and we all go together and hang out and have a really fun night. We all go out again and have another fun time together. All of us were going to hang out a third time but instead me and her just hang out. We don't really live all that close together but we meet up and I take her to this really amazing spot and we totally connect. We kissed and just cuddled it was raining and very romantic and she seemed soooooo into it. We text through out the next couple days and she tells me to come over to watch movies but it was mothers day so we both agreed that the next day would be better. i text her again when i got done work. She doesn't answer for a couple hours and says she fell asleep. I wasn't concerned or anything so i said it was totally fine and we could hang again the next day. i text her the next day and acts a little strange says she was worried about the storm when it was just some light rain. I was so confused on what the conversation was, she doesn't text me again and all night. Im just baffled i don't know what i did wrong or really what her issue was. She never really did text me a lot not that i was expecting a lot but would never text me back, but would always send me hearts and stuff. I thought she was really into me and i was too. I guess i'll try talking to my friend and his girl about it, but i really don't understand what went wrong. Thank You!


It does seem that she is sending mixed messages. If you want to pursue her still then give it some time and see how it goes. However, think about what you want and how much energy you want to put into someone who isn't giving you the same time, just a thought...its up to you. If you want to talk again just text or call 888-222-2228 anytime.

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