So theres this guy in my school who is really nice and says im really cute. But he does alcohol and texts me saying he would like have sex with me and is very naughty about it. He texted me for nudes because he was going to masturbate and wanted nudes of me. I reluctantly agreed and sent him pictures of my breast and vagina. I immediately regret it and know thats very mean and possibly illegal. Im so terrified of getting in trouble and my parents finding out or it spreading through the school. This is giving me so much anxiety and I don't know what to do!!!!!!:(:(:(
I'm very glad you have the courage to reach out for support right now. You are not alone, as many individuals, both young and older, have regretted "sexting" and feel afraid and unsure of what to do next. It is important to know that receiving unwanted sexual comments or requests constitutes sexual harassment, which is illegal. Additionally, experiencing any type of sexual harassment is NEVER your fault. It sounds like you understand that sexting can have far-reaching implications. It can be understandably terrifying and embarrassing, but speaking to someone you trust, such as a parent, teacher, school counselor, or coach, about what has happened will help to get you the support you need. By sharing this information with an adult, you can begin the process of protecting the images of you from spreading further. It is also necessary to know that you are NEVER obligated to provide any information/images of yourself, ESPECIALLY if you are uncomfortable doing so. If you ever experience sexual comments/questions that make you uncomfortable, it is important to tell an adult you trust. For more information about sexual bullying and harassment, please check out
Also, different states have different laws regarding sexting, so it might be helpful to check the statutes in effect where you live.
Here are some websites you can check out to learn more about your state's sexting laws:
Again, I want to commend you for your bravery in seeking help. You may feel scared, overwhelmed, or even ashamed. These feelings are normal and understandable. However, this is not something you have to deal with alone. There's no doubt that speaking to adults you trust about this will be tough, but it's the best way to protect yourself and get support. Additionally, we are available 24/7 at 888-222-2228 via call or text if you need any further help. Please don't hesitate to contact us! Thank you for reaching out to 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline!
This is a safe space to share what's on your mind and to get support from real people.
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Text or talk 24/7 at 1.888.222.2228. If this is an emergency, please dial 911 or your local police. 2NDFLOOR is confidential and anonymous but we are required by law to report hurting yourself/others or abuse to the appropriate authorities. If you or someone you know is struggling or having thoughts of suicide, call 988 or chat at In life-threatening situations, call 911.
2NDFLOOR is confidential and anonymous but we are required by law to report hurting yourself/others or abuse to the appropriate authorities. If you or someone you know is struggling or having thoughts of suicide, call 988 or chat at In life-threatening situations, call 911.
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DISCLAIMER: 2NDFLOOR is a youth helpline designed to listen, help and guide youth in addressing challenges. Periodically, calls may be monitored for quality assurance and training purposes. You are assured anonymity and confidentiality, except in life-threatening situations. When receiving such an emergency phone call, 2NDFLOOR staff is required by law to report hurting yourself/others or abuse to the appropriate authorities. If you or someone you know is struggling or having thoughts of suicide, call 988 or chat at In life-threatening situations, call 911.