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Idk what to title

I feel so sad all the time and I get angry easily. I’m 13 but went through precocious puberty which is just early puberty. I hit it around 5.5 and got my first period a year before my 8th birthday. I stopped growing at 12 and now permanently stuck at 5’2. It pains me to see all the kids I knew in elementary school start developing and getting taller. I feel so ahead yet so behind. They’re growing up together while I was forced to grow up alone. I’m homeschooled now and I feel even more alone. I don’t have energy anymore and I get up at 1-2pm and sometimes don’t leave bed until 3-4pm. I have no friends to talk to and even the ones I consider friends, barely talk to me and one of my eldest friends (they’re 16) and I’ve known them for 4 years atp, I feel like we’ve drifted bc they grew up and they’re dry now. We don’t play Roblox together anymore and they have their own life. I get they’re busy with studying and stuff due to being held at high expectations and being in all AP, honors, and IB classes but I miss us a lot. I feel like I’m destined to be alone. I don’t know what to do anymore and I can’t talk about it with my parents. I try making friends on Snapchat but they end up just trying to get nudes from me (which I send majority of the time bc i think I’ll have someone to talk to). I haven’t been eating a lot either n I constantly stress about the calorie numbers. I feel bad if I eat over 1300 (which I do anyway) and I feel the fat growing on me.


I understand you feeling lonely, but there are ways for you to connect with other people. Try and find some sort of youth group to join or join a community activity. You could also share with your friend how you feel and try to plan something in advance. You can talk to a medical professional regarding your physical heath to gain information about your body and a therapist to help you cope and give you an outlet. Sending pictures to yourself can’t also be damaging to you emotionally and mentally. Try to think through decisions you make today. Ask yourself how they will impact you in the future. Do you want people to have these pictures of you? What other choices can you make to connect with people instead? Maybe after asking yourself these questions other possible choices can be identified!

Kind Comrade

You sound like you are going through something like me. Sometimes just hugging a blanket or plush helps me with my feelings.

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