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Confusing patterns

I have been dating this guy for about 6 months now and we have been having so many issues. I have had an ex of almost three years in the past who emotionally was just so absuive that I am currently still in therapy for. I feel like sometimes I cannot help but feel with my new boyfriend the same way that I felt with my last because there are so many similarities. He can not communicate, doesn't see his wrong doings, blames me for things and gets mad when I believe it is all my fault, and the list can go on. However though the good times are so so good and he can really show that he loves me so much. I believe my anxiety is causing all these problems of the feelings that I will be cheated on, left, of that I am controlling and abusive but my boyfriend either doesn't see it as a real thing or doesn't understand how bad the anxiety gets. How can I better communicate this to him because I have tried so so hard and have just gotten my anxiety thrown in my face that I don't love him and take things out on him. I really want to make this work but I don't want to be forcing things because right now he doesn't seem to patient in understanding and maybe I rushed into a new relationship. It's been causing so much more anxiety that I keep having panic attacks which he has embarrassingly seen from me and feeling very sad and not too happy a lot now a days. I want to believe when he says things will change and we can be happier but it only lasts a day or two then goes back to old ways. I can't tell if it's love or if we are just too scared to leave one another for whatever reason.


It was brave you of you post and ask for help on this topic. It sounds like there is a lot to unpack here, have you discussed these issues with your new boyfriend with your therapist? Maybe you want to consider that. Additionally you can speak with your counselor about possibly bringing him into a session to see if perhaps talking about these issues in the therapeutic environment could help. If you have anymore concerns, or want to discuss this further, you can always call or text us 24/7 @ 888-222-2228. Good luck with everything!

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