my girlfriend
My girlfriend and i have been dating almost about a mouth and today she came up to me because she wanted to break yp with me because she is going into high school next year and i am going to 8th gread neaxt year,so i got very up set about that and so i hurt my myself in school today and then my teacher found out what happen ,so they call my mother about what i have done. At the end o 8f school my girlfriend found out what i did to my aram and then she stared to cry about w hat i did to my aram:confused:
Super Moderator • 6 years, 1 month ago
I'm sorry to hear. It is serious that you decided to hurt yourself. That is not a healthy way to deal with a break-up. Break-ups happen and they are very difficult sometimes but also a part of life. Since you are only in the 7th grade, you possibly have many more relationships ahead of you to go through. also have many more relationships to be in that will be longer than a month. Getting over someone you cared about a lot takes time. You have to find other ways to keep busy and help keep your mind off it it. What about hanging out with your friends? Are you involved in any sports/clubs? What are some of your hobbies? These are the questions you have to ask yourself and focus on. Please make healthier choices next time when it comes to experiencing negative emotions. I'm glad your teacher found out and was able to help you. You can call or text us to further talk about this or anything else. We are here 24/7 at 888-222-2228.
5 years, 11 months ago
Don't hurt yourself over a girl ! It's alright !! Self harm isn't the answer to anything :T , also focus on grades :D then you can impress someone better or you can get better at spelling though i'm bad at grammar my natural language is French I'm sorry