so there's this guy who used to like me. but he made up lies about his own friend so he cold "have me for himself". fast forward, me and this guy started talking. but only as friends. so far it's been 3 weeks but i already have strong feelings for him. he knows me pretty well but i''m not too sure about him. serveral people have came up to me and told me to stay away but i really don't believe them. i haven't really known any of these people other than one girl. that one girl has been my bestfriend for 7 years. we're close. even she has told me to distance myself. apparently he's a "hook up boy". but he's been the only person who seems to care about me. i don't know if this guy is friendzoning me or he genuinely likes me but isn't sure. either way he already knows i like him. but does he like me?? it's really obvious that he likes me but then again it's really not. 2 hours ago i was told he's had sex with 3 or 4 girls in my new school. i don't know if i could trust the source because the "source" has had a crush on me since my first day. pls help. should i stick around with him? i don't know...