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am I lesbian or bi?

i'm having a problem. I used to like boys. But i'm starting to like girls to(I'm a girl). My feelings for boys are starting to go away but are definitely still there. I'm not sure if i'm bi though. I would rather date a girl than a boy. I'm calling myself bi, but am I really?:(


I understand why you may feel confused since these are new feelings that you are experiencing. Right now, try to not put so much focus on giving yourself a label. Just focus on your feelings and giving yourself time to figure them out. You like who you like and that's all that matters! If you would like to talk about this further please call or text us at the 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline. We are here 24/7 at 888-222-2228.

Sweet Ally

I have a problem.i like girls.but I am lesbian(I

Jolly Fellow

im straight lol

Sweet Buddy

You can still be bi but prefer one gender over another! I am bi but i prefer girls, but i've still had the occasional boyfriend lol.

Jolly Friend

You do not need to fully announce your sexuality, you can wait a bit to decide. There is no rush. Try not to make a decision right now, so in your decision making process you are not biased. After awhile you can decide, with more thought. :DDD

Sunny Ally

Thank you all for your help. I just wanted to say that the last two quotes helped the most, so thanks for your help!

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