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I don't know what to do. A month ago my friends started to get mad at me for doing nothing. They were just annoyed by me talking. They left me out on purpose and looked down on me and thought I was stupid. I now have more friends but it feels weird to be in class for duo partners and see no one goes to you. What do I do? I'm still attached to my old friends. I just feel alone.


I am sorry your friends were making fun of you for no reason but they don't sound like they were really true friends. Someone who is a friend is going to make you feel better and uplift you when you feel down. Maybe try writing a pro and con list about your relationship with your old friends, it might help make you see things clearer.

I am happy you made some new friends and I hope they are treating you well. Can you speak to your teacher about partnering with someone or maybe the teacher can split your class up in partners. This way everyone has to learn how to work with each other.

Please reach back out if you'd like to discuss this further.

Gentle Friend

Hey, I totally get where you're coming from. Friend drama can be the worst! 🙄 It sucks when friends start acting weird or leave you out, especially when you didn’t do anything wrong.

First off, it’s okay to feel attached to your old friends; those memories don’t just disappear. But if they're being rude and not treating you right, maybe it's time to focus on the friends who actually want to hang out with you.

For class, if no one is picking you, just try to find a buddy in your new friend group. It might feel awkward at first, but you deserve to be around people who appreciate you!

Also, consider talking to your old friends if you think it could help. Just keep it real and let them know how you feel. If they’re still being toxic, then it’s probably better to move on and keep building those new friendships. You got this! 💪✨


I am going through something very similar. While it is hard, your old friends will just keep using you like this. It sounds like neither group is coming to you. But talk to these new friends more and get to know them. I hope that someone comes to you eventually. Also you have all of your life to make new friends, life presents plenty of opportunities to do so. So keep your head up

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