Health & Fitness

Panic tacks

I think I’m having panic attacks feels so scary like I’m dizzy and my legs tingle and my face get really red. Totally makes me feel like I need to stay in my house and in my bed. I’m hiding it well but it is happening more and more.


I am sorry that you are going through this, and that it is such a frightening experience for you. Is there anything going on that may be contributing to the increase of panic attacks? Have you spoken with anyone about your experience with them? If not, perhaps it would be a good idea to talk to someone, like a counselor or trusted adult. Talking about it and learning skills to manage the attacks can help reduce the amount you have. Bottling them up can increase the amount and intensify them. If you need someone to talk to please reach out to a live counselor through our app via call or chat anytime 24/7/365/ Remember, it only takes a SECOND to receive help.

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