Hello I m 23 year old I live with my bf we have a child but we argue alot I m not happy he don't even touch me or have sex with me we have good days sometimes but we argue almost everyday Because of this I been talking with other guys online because it make me feel better love and important I wish i was single sometimes but I don't have no where to go I don't work because of my anxiety ocd disorder I m trying to get disability but I don't know if I m going to get it i m so frustrate I don't want to go back to my family they live far from me and still I don't want to go there I feel like a looser and I have a son I don't work I don't go school because I m with my son all the time i don't drive I don't do nothing I only have high school diploma my life sucks I don't know why all this happen to me life is too hard no one understand I already have enough with my anxiety and now deal Img with this life problem make my anxiety even worst wish all this end I m so tired of feeling like this I m recovering since 9 months of anxiety but when I get mad or sad it get bad and my bf argue with me for no reason sometimes and make me mad and sad :( he said no one would ever date .me and call me names I don't trust no one to talk about this because no one care about me I need help but I do t know what to do if I break up with him I don't work I don't go school or drive I don't do nothing I stay home all day every. Day watching my son :( what should I do please help me I don't have no one to talk about this
Super Moderator • 7 years, 6 months ago
First, I am sorry to hear that you are feeling so upset and sad about the situation that you are in with your boyfriend. As far as your living situation, although you said that you don't want to go back to your family it sounds like it might be the healthiest thing to do! So think about it, maybe? You mentioned that you are diagnosed with OCD, do you see a psychiatrist for this? Counselor? Seeing a professional therapist is something that would be essential in your life at the moment especially with you stating you have no one to talk to. Professional therapist can help you learn ways to cop and it is a safe space to talk about your feelings! Here is the number to NJ Mental Health Cares at 877-294-HELP (4357), they can direct you to local MH providers in your area. Possibly sounds like couples counseling would be important for you two as well since you have a child together. Now, I understand that hearing abusive names and fighting is not conducive to your health so try and take the time to practice self care, whether that be taking a walk daily with your son, taking a quiet shower or bath, listening to music, cooking, adult coloring books, etc. Choosing to be happy is a mindset and takes practice to turn negative thoughts into positive but everyone can do it if they try..so I hope you try to stay positive! Hang in there! Hope this helps you some and if you need to talk ever you can text or call 2NDFLOOR at 888-222-2228.
7 years, 4 months ago
hello i am 16 years old and i have a boyfriend we are in new relationship we have been together for about 3 weeks and everything has been going up until these past 3 days he has been ignoring me and originally i didn't think it was anything until yesterday he asked me to leave my class and come see him because he was horny i said no and he didn't talk to me the rest of the day but i figured it was because he had football around 8:30 he texted me saying hey babe i responded 20 minutes later because my phone was died and he never responded today i had not seen him all day so i texted him saying hey why are you ignoring me we need to talk i understand you have a concussion from football but that doesnt keep you from talking and hanging out with a person you supposable love on my way to gym i talked to a friend and she said the day before one of her friends spoke to him asking if he was seriious about me or using me and she said that his respone was no and then i walked away and tried to shake it of went to gym and had a breakdown pulled it together went back went to chemistry had a breakdown so know i am in the school teen center what do i do
Super Moderator • 7 years, 4 months ago
It sounds like this guy is not treating you the way you deserve to be treated. If he isn't even able to have a conversation with you about your relationship then that it not fair to you. I would attempt to talk to him, but if not it may be time to move forward without him. If you are ever looking for immediate help we recommend you call or text us. You can call/text 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline 24/7 at 888-222-2228.