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I don't want my teacher to worry...

Hi 2ND floor,
I feel I am worrying my tutor and I think that it's unnecessary.
Before summer vacation my tutor pulled me aside on the last day and asked me if I was ok. I said I was, but I find eye contact to be quite uncomfortable, so I think she thought I was lying. She went on to ask about my family and our circumstances. My mum gets ill often, and I lost two relatives a couple of years ago, whilst my aunt currently had COPD so it's quite a hard time to my family. She kept saying that she was worried about me, which I sort of felt bad about because I don't think there's anything to worry about, though I felt much better after talking to her.
Today she was asking me if I was ok, and whether I had thought about what I wanted to do after high school. I mumbled a quick answer and apologised for not being in homeroom sometimes as I have to take my brother to school and by the time I get to school after that, homeroom is over. She said that that is ok and that she completely understands (I have to take him when my mum is ill) and that that responsibility is a lot on a young persons shoulders. She kept saying she was very worried about me and several times she reassured me that she cares about me and that she is always there if I need to talk to her.

I feel that she's worrying unnecessarily, and I feel bad about that.

Although it is nice to get things of my chest be them big things or little things.


Why do you feel bad? There is nothing wrong with your teacher showing concern for you, maybe she sees that you get overwhelmed when you have added responsibilities at home and she's just checking in with you! If it makes you feel uncomfortable then have a talk with her. Tell her that you appreciate her concern but that everything is really okay and if you need to talk you will definitely let her know (or something like that). Be direct with your teacher about you being okay, if your not really responding she might think you are hiding something, like you said. Also, it probably would benefit you to talk to your guidance counselor to let off some steam once and in awhile if you feel stressed or a trusted friend! If you need to talk more about anything call 2NDFLOOR @ 888-222-2228 or text us daily between 4-8 pm.

Cheerful Pal

I just wanted to thank you for your help, later that evening I realised that I am unhappy, and that my teacher was right to be concerned. I opened up to my friends, particularly one who I've known for 10 years and she had no idea. Doing that gave me the confidence to speak to my teacher and reach out for some help. She was very glad I had told her and said that she has been worried sick about me for a very long time, but didn't want to pry. I am now getting some help with what is going on, and I am grateful to you for the advice!

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