I feel as though my friend and I have been growing apart. Let’s talk.
OK, to start off, we’re both in HS. I’m a very involved student who enjoys going to school and talking to people. To describe my friend; he’s the exact opposite. He hates our school and the teachers there (a concept I cannot grasp for the life of me). One day, he stopped showing up to school. His attendance has always been pretty fickle, but it was much more consistent in the recent months. Then, he stopped “going” to our school: he takes his classes online now. I rarely ever see him and I feel hurt. He didn’t even tell me that he was going TO leave school! I’m trying to reach out, but he always makes illegitimate excuses. Plus, it doesn’t help that my mom is vehement about me just giving up on him. The thing is, is that I can’t! To be honest, I don’t even really enjoy being in his company as of late, and I feel dejected from his actions. It feels bad, but I keep trying to help. I’m aware that he does have some mental issues like OCD and anxiety, and I’m worried that his behaviors are CLEAR indicators of depression. I just don’t want anything bad to him. Any advice, everyone? Thank you and goodbye.