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Getting over someone

I'm in the process of getting over someone who I've liked for years. Long story short, we've been out of touch for a while and they've recently entered a relationship so any grandiose fantasies I might've had of us possibly getting together are past.

I've followed the usual advice of unfollowing them on social media and not making any more attempts at reaching out to them. Is there anything else I can do? With a crush that's lasted years, how long would it take for it to go away?


Hearing news of someone you like being with another person is never easy. It seems you have taken a good first few steps towards making the situation a little easier. Unfortunately overcoming something like this can take a bit of time but what makes the time move quicker depends on your level of social activity. Staying home and thinking about this person will make the the recovery time longer (perhaps months or more), but going out with your friends, talking to new people and having a good time will speed it up (perhaps days to weeks). So do what you can to get out (or stay in) with your friends, what ever you have to do to have fun and not think about this person or their relationship. Also, don't be afraid to find interest in other people! If you would like to talk about this or anything else further please feel free to contact 2NDFLOOR via text/call at 1(888)222-2228, we are available 24/7.

Jolly Pal

:) Can you please tell me what's really going on in the school world ?


Can you please explain more? If you want to talk more you can contact 2NDFLOOR via text/call at 1(888)222-2228, we are available 24/7.

Bright Neighbor

Im trying to get over this girl that I truly loved it has been about three days since she left me and I don

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