I was raised to be cautious about my future at all times, and that if I’m not worrying about it I don’t care about my future. I am a freshman in High School and I relaxed slightly because I thought that everyone was now worrying about College so, I wasn’t the studious girl anymore. This didn’t happen at all. I went to my guidance counselor for help on deciding a college, and specific path to take, since I wanted to go into business law there are so many branches I’m having difficulty deciding. She simply brushed me off saying I shouldn’t worry, and that I was too young to start thinking about it. This got me more anxious about school life. My grades slowly slipped form me in Geometry Honors and an elective in Computer Programming. I went back to her in hope, of not only advice but also hope for some information on colleges for the future. Though she did provide me with information for tutoring from fellow students in the Honor Society, she told me to quit my worrying, that it would only stress me out. Now that I am close to the end of the year, I am more stressed out than ever. My grades in my only honor’s class is a complete failure, I have to many absences and now that when I look at colleges, what used to give me a sense of calmness, now makes me want to cry. I cannot think about my future because all I can think about is my failure that will be caused by my misstep in my first year of High School. I want advice and comfort. I don’t know what to do, what with my mother constantly reminding me of my possible future and the things I will never be able to do or experience without accomplishing those things she wants. I am at my wits end and wish for some advice.
Thank you for your time.