Health & Fitness

How to Ask for Medical Help Alone

I'm having trouble breathing, I told my mom, she doesn't care. What the hell do I do? My body is scaring me. I really want medical attention, but she's not letting me. She claims it's just heartburn. I don't think it's heartburn. I don't have any symptoms that I know and she did it anyway. I want to see a fucking doctor, but I doubt she'll let me.


This really depends on a few different things that you don't have mentioned in your message. Most importantly would be age. You can see a doctor yourself once you are 16. If you are under 16, you would still be in school. You could go to the school nurse and report your concerns and they could help you figure out what's going on or talk to your Mother about you needing medical care and what she would have to do. In either case, you'll get your medical attention. If you have your own card, assuming you have insurance you could take yourself to an urgent care and get checked out there. There are also financial considerations that you need to think about that you don't mention, but if you have a regular doctor that you go to once a year, they would likely see you (depending on your age) and deal with your Mother financially. Call or text us anytime at 888-222-2228.

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