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Not sure if I can get help for this..

Hello friends. I'm 19 and I've been having some problems with myself. Ive been dating my boyfriend for about two years and for some reason I just haven't wanted to initiate sex. It's personal and strange and I feel guilty about it. I do enjoy it, but sometimes I just don't want him to touch me or hug me or kiss me.. I feel like I'm being suffocated, and it makes me feel so guilty because I love my boyfriend with all of my heart. He's super understand about it all but I feel like sometimes just wrong with me. It's been going on for almost a year now and it's kind of sad. I don't know if anyone can give me advice, but if anyone can help that would be really great. I didn't know if anyone would know what to say when I called so I thought posting about it would he smart. Thank you so much.


I can understand wanting to post your story here but don't ever be afraid to give us a call! Our staff are trained and will help you in any way that they can. There may be times in relationships where the physical part of the relationship is something you don't want to focus on as much and that's ok. Maybe next time you have sex, don't want to have sex, or want to - try to focus on what you are thinking about. Are you feeling uncomfortable or maybe you just need some space or something happened a while ago that initiated this? I don't have the answer, it could be many different things that you think about. There also may be something going on that doesn't have to do with sex, but is making you feel more distant. Nothing is wrong with you! You don't have to feel guilty. Try looking at it from a different perspective and focusing more on how you feel in those moments. If you want to talk more call 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline 24/7 or text us daily 4-8PM at 888-222-2228.

Sunny Partner

Is He The One?

Hey it's not your fault, I understand you completely every person I've been with I've never wanted to do anything with them they were amazing people but I just couldn't do it with them for some reason. I sat down for a long time and I realized what was happening. It wasn't that I wasn't ready it was that deep in my heart I knew that person wasn't the one I wanted to take that next step with. Now that I am older I have found the right one and I had no "lack of desire" because I was truly in love.

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