Health & Fitness
lately my life has been pretty stressful and I developed a bad habit of eating to deal with my emotions but the thing is I'm in xc and track so I am basically gaining weight at a slow pace. not hugely noticeable but if you looked at a picture from a year ago you would notice my face thighs and stomach are not as toned as they once were. I began to restrict my diet a while ago and that just set me up to have feeling that I am so hungry and eat SO much at night. I don't know how my family doesn't notice the amount of food I eat and eat after dinner till I finally am able to pull my self to bed with an aching stomach every single night and some times I even puke a little and not on purpose from the amount in such a short time. I can't even say anything to my parents or a doctor bc my family always sees me as "the skinny one" and I can eat as much as I want. and it's ok I'm alittle chubbier bc I'm overall still really thin. but I've gone from athletically thin to average I guess weight and I don't see my habits stopping. I try to restrict my calories every day, because with a fairly low fat percentage that's all I can do to get back to were I was I'm guessing. but it makes me want food more but I know I can never be happy with how I look now! I look at pictures and I feel so lowsy bc I loved the body I had and it's gone. I didn't gain weight bc I'm older, believe me Ik my food habits have changed a lot. It started out only happening sometimes, then at night, but now it's like everymeal. I don't knows he difference between a little hungry normal or full feels like anymore and all I think about is how I can handle my food problems