Guidance counselor
My guidance counselor is really bugging me. I'm a guy. She picks favorites and it really gets on my nerves. As a guidance counselor she should be neutral to students, but I find it unfair that she has favorites. I can't call her out on it because she is a teacher at my school, and I don't want to get in trouble, but I can't keep dealing with the way she treats some students better than others. What do I do?
Super Moderator • 11 years, 6 months ago
From what you are describing, this does seem really unfair. Guidance counselors are suppose to help and support all students, but since you feel she isn't it would definitely be helpful to speak up. Perhaps you can ask to be switched to a different guidance counselor, if your school has a couple. You may even want to go to your school principal and discuss this with them. It may even be helpful to let your parents know what is going on, and have them join you when you reach out to the school. Please call 2NDFLOOR anytime at 888-222-2228 for more help!