At first, it was funny but it got old fast. I am in a special ed class (that i really don't need to be in) and the teacher, every day, likes to imply that we are stupid and lazy, and that we are going nowhere in life. Heck, he compared us to natural selection this week! he said we will be the ones with no job and the lowest on the chain. EVERY DAY he says how in middle school, we didn't do anything, how they just passed us through and hated us. EVERY DAY he says, and i quote, "mommy isn't here to flick a magic wand" and "in middle school they were like, he didn't hand anything in, but he kept his head up in class, he raised his hand, lets give him a B!" he will constantly make fun of us. Then, when we had the bio test, i told him that the majority of things on the test, we didn't learn, he said that he followed the curriculum when even the aid in that class agreed with me. I have recorded him saying these things with my phone. i know that the year is almost over and that i probably wont have him next year but, i don't want any other special needs kids to experience this bullying. what should i do? who should i go to? is there a way i can report this anonymously? Please help!!!