Mental Health
2nd floor, is this normal for me to experience? Ever since Monday, I was really slowly starting to feel numb. Sure, I showed emotions, but I didn't feel like my usual self until today. I feel numb and fuzzy on the inside now. I got jumped by this girl named Autumn Johnson at school, and was really shaken up. After I was cheered up by my friends, the numbness and emptiness got worse. What do I do? Is this normal?
I also don't find my usual hobbies making me happy (painting, drawing, writing etc.) and the intimacy that I do with my fwbs also. I'm doing the same things over and over again, going to school, coming home, doing hw, eating dinner, going to bed, it's getting to my head. I want a change of something in my life, but I know my mother won't give a fuck and she's not going to do anything about but tell me "suck it up". I think I need mental help. Like therapy, but I know she's going to say, "oh no. it's going to cost money, and you're not doing that. suck it up." do you guys know anyone that's a therapist? I think I really need one because of all of this going on.