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Mental Health

Mental Health........

2nd floor, is this normal for me to experience? Ever since Monday, I was really slowly starting to feel numb. Sure, I showed emotions, but I didn't feel like my usual self until today. I feel numb and fuzzy on the inside now. I got jumped by this girl named Autumn Johnson at school, and was really shaken up. After I was cheered up by my friends, the numbness and emptiness got worse. What do I do? Is this normal?
I also don't find my usual hobbies making me happy (painting, drawing, writing etc.) and the intimacy that I do with my fwbs also. I'm doing the same things over and over again, going to school, coming home, doing hw, eating dinner, going to bed, it's getting to my head. I want a change of something in my life, but I know my mother won't give a fuck and she's not going to do anything about but tell me "suck it up". I think I need mental help. Like therapy, but I know she's going to say, "oh no. it's going to cost money, and you're not doing that. suck it up." do you guys know anyone that's a therapist? I think I really need one because of all of this going on.


I am sorry you are going through this. it sounds like it was very traumatic and it is normal how you feel. I think it sounds like you could use some therapy. Have you tried talking to your mom or dad yet about it? I think you should and see what they say. Health Insurance will usually cover most of the therapy sessions. If your parents are against therapy, talk to your school counselor and let them know what is going on. Many times, they can help too. You can always call or text 2ndfloor and talk to someone here. Our number is 888-222-2228.

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