So there's this group of kids in my class that is basically a giant clique. And there's this one girl who I REALLY do not like. Everyone in that group has seem to grow a distaste for me which I understand. I'm direct, don't sugarcoat, challenge the class for discussion, etc. I'm in the classroom for a reason and that's to learn and discuss. Not goof off and be rude like they are almost 25/7. I talked to my teacher about some minor problems and just venting but she doesn't seem to have done anything about it. It's been getting worse. But I don't know if it's "bad enough" to tell my teacher again. I mean I know my emotions are valid and important but I don't know if I'm overreacting or just being sensitive (which I tend to be). It's just been an annoyance so that's why I'm hesitating but it's been increasing in intensity of rude behavior and how often they respond negatively when I open my mouth. I don't know what to do and if I should wait to see if it gets worse.