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Dating Abuse..

I was previously with my boyfriend for 5 years and thought everything was going well. 2 years into the relationship he became super violent. It was a whirlwind of manipulation, jealousy, mental and physical abuse. It was always "make sure you don't say hi to any boys", "you better not wear that", "you better not talk to your neighbors unless im there", "oh you dont wanna delete his number? Watch what i go do", etc. He made me feel completely an utterly worthless. We had broken up after a brief physical altercation in the school which led to a suspension and a no contact order. After a month apart we had gotten back together in hopes of making it work but the abuse only continued. I recently find myself having him in and out of my life and I'm just not sure how to get over what had happened. I seem to tense up when anyone someone touches me the wrong way or brings up fighting and such. I don't know if i should forgive him so it won't be such a hassle when we go back to go or what.


I am sorry to hear about your abusive relationship and it sounds like you are suffering from some[post-traumatic stress from this abuse. It would really benefit you to talk to someone about what happened. The more you work on your self worth and distance yourself from your abuser then you will start to see the manipulation even clearer and realize that you do not owe him anything! Focus on you getting better and then maybe down the road you can think about forgiving but only for the sake of you, but not to have him back in your life. I truly encourage you to talk to a counselor about this so you are getting the right support to stay away from him. You can call 2NDFLOOR anytime to talk at 888-222-2228 or text us daily from 4-8pm.
Here are some resources that can help you as well:
New Jersey Domestic Violence # at (800) 572-7233 or their website is @, this is the
National domestic hotline number where victims can call and get referrals within their county.
Two others are, The National Dating Abuse Hotline @ or LOVE IS RESPECT @ & you can also text them buy TEXTING: LOVEIS TO 22522. Please reach out to someone for support counseling, you are not alone and the counseling can help you regain your power of not allowing someone to harm you, emotionally or physically. You are worth it! Keep your head up.

This is a safe space to share what's on your mind and to get support from real people.

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