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I think I might be Pansexual, and i’m too afraid to come out.
Please help.


Hello, glad you reached out to us. Coming out is a personal choice and one that you have to do when you are comfortable with it. The Trevor Project is a resource you may find helpful so I attached the link @ - you can also call them or text, when you click on the link it will give you that information. This link from Trevor project offers tools on coming out if there is a trusted person in your life maybe you could talk to them about it so that you have a support system. I hope the resource helps you and if you want to talk about this or anything you can text 2NDFLOOR at 888-222-2228 anytime.

Kind Buddy

Thank you so much.

Kind Buddy

Hi there, thank you for reaching out to 2ndfloor. I completely agree with the comment above. Coming out can be very challenging and emotional which is why it is so important to consider what you are comfortable with. If you have a close family member or friend who you feel comfortable confiding in, I suggest discussing this with them. As mentioned above, The Trevor Project is a great resource that you may find extremely helpful. The link is attached above. Also, do not hesitate to reach of through call or text if you would like to discuss this further. The phone number, once again, is 888-222-2228.

This is a safe space to share what's on your mind and to get support from real people.

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