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Idk is this abuse?

I currently live with my aunt and uncle, my mother was an addict who is now perfectly clean. My uncle verbally berates me and has a tantrum over the stupidest things, like breaking the rules, forgetting chores, etc. This one time, i downloaded an app that i shouldn't have downloaded(Netflix btw), and he took my phone and smashed it on the corner of my dresser, getting shards of glass all over my carpet. then he proceeds to pin me against a wall and belittle me and humiliate me in front of my siblings, and takes my door away because "I don't deserve privacy". He then proceeds to use my trauma against me, saying things like "you can go live at your mom's house, since you don't want to live here anymore", Or "Pack your F***** bags, your grandma can take care of you.

idk if this is abuse, can i have some guidance?


Yes this is abuse, if you don'f feel safe you can call DCP&P at 1-877 NJ ABUSE (1-877-652-2873) and they can come to your home and evaluate your safety. Are you able to talk to your aunt about how he is behaving or your mother or grandmother? It would be good to talk to someone about how you are feeling and how your uncle is abusive toward you. You mentioned that your mom is clean so did your Aunt and uncle become your guardians, and if so are you having a counseling? talk to your guidance counselor if you feel okay about that because they can facilitate a talk with you and your guardians. I hope this helped and if you want to talk about this or anything you can call 2NDFLOOR at 888-222-2228. We are here 24/7,

Cheerful Companion

I took your advice, and I'm gonna talk w/my mom tomorrow about this mess.

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