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HW help

Hi! I am reading a book about a girl who cuts. And my assignment is to type up a paper with advices to that charachter, as well as questions to why they do that(more specific questions). So it made me think of you.... since its your job to help people with that kinda stuff. so what would YOUR advices and questions be? Lets pretend im the one with these issue....what would you tell me?


Hi! You can ask questions about her her home life, friendships, school, how she views herself- what she likes about herself and what she doesn't- to get an overall feel about her self-confidence. By asking these sorts of questions you can try to see what is causing her to want to cut herself. Once you find out the root of the problem you can also give her more specific advice. The best advice you can give her overall is to talk to tell an adult and get help...whether it is a parent, close family member, school nurse, or guidance counselor. You can even give her a number to a helpline or search a website that she can go to for help. Try and make her realize that she doesn't have to be alone. I hope this helped! If you have any other questions you can call us 24/7 at the 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline at 888-222-2228. You can also text us at this number daily between 4pm and 8pm. Good luck!

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