So I’ve been ashamed to put this out there and embarrassed, but I’ve had a porn addiction for a while and I was doing good and I was over from porn. I don’t know if sober would be the correct word but you understand what that mean anyways, I’ve been watching it for a while and I’ve been masturbating and I can’t stop masturbating every time I watch porn and masturbate. I feel disgusting of myself and I can’t dare even look at myself Lately. I’ve been also struggling with my flashbacks of being sexually assaulted so things just haven’t been going good when it comes to sexual stuff I honestly don’t know what to do. I’ve talked To my student assistant coordinator yesterday, which was a big thing and I talk to her about my sexual assault, and I am currently filing A report which is a pretty good thing and I do have a therapist and I did sign off on my therapist talking to my student assistant coordinator, which is in the school, but I just don’t know what to do and I feel embarrassed because I know if I tell my therapist that I have been watching porn lately that she’s probably gonna tell my sac which I’m like half-and-half about half like I do care because I’m embarrassed and I don’t wanna be judged and then the other half I really don’t care about anyways to keep it short. I can’t stop watching porn and I can’t stop masturbating. I just feel disgusted and feel like a humiliated myself if someone can help me or has advice or something I’m willing to take anything. Another thing is that I’m constantly aroused all day, which I feel like being aroused is a normal thing but I also feel like there’s an extent to it like this is getting a little overwhelming. I could be with a friend and I’m horny. I wanna just be able to enjoy my day eat lunch and do a fun activity without having to feel like this. I can’t even concentrate on my schoolwork in class.