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My brother bullies me

He always makes fun of me, and whenever he doesn't get what he wants, he hits me, even if I have nothing to do about it. I am just so sick of it. I see all my friends bros/sisters and they're all nice, but my brother is awful. Whenever we go outside he's a literal saint, but then he goes back to abusing me when we come back home. Do you guys have any advice on what to do?


That's something you shouldn't have to put up with. No one deserves to be hit for any reason. Try talking to your parents about it and letting them know he is hitting you and in a way that hurts you. Keep track of how often it happens and what happens. If it doesn't stop you can try to contact DCP&P to report the hitting and that your parents are doing nothing to stop it at (800) NJ-ABUSE. You can call or text us anytime at 888-222-2228.

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