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Hi! So, I'm a rising junior and this year is going to be so important academically. I only have a 3.4 unweighted GPA and a 3.6 weighted. I honestly don't know what I want to do with my life. I just tell everyone I want to be a psychiatrist because I feel forced to know what I want to do with my future, plus my parents won't pay for college unless I go for a professional degree. In my family, there are really only two choices: Medicine or Law. I hate most aspects of history (besides learning about the 1940s and 1960s), math and I hate science. I got a C in Cultures Honors and a C+ in chemistry honors (the reason why my GPA sucks). I really really love English but I'm not that great. I always finish with an A- in my honors English classes so I won't be able to take AP English until my senior year because I needed to finish with at least a 95, so I'll be taking Advanced Writing this year. This makes me feel dumb and sad and like I'm really not truly good at anything. I want to attend NYU more than anything but I don't think I would get in with my grades. For the most part, I'm an A- student besides Cultures honors and chemistry honors (classes my parents made me take) I'm also working on my standardized testing. I think I'll submit my ACT scores because on my last practice test I received a 21 and it was only my second time taking it. I know a 21 isn't great but I think I may be able to raise it to at least a 27 by the time I take it for real in Spring. I just wish there was a professional, stable well-paying career that I could get with an English or Creative Writing degree. My parents throw away all this money on me to get tutored in the sciences so I can go to med school and they just think I'm a lot smarter than I actually am. I realize how lucky I am to have parents that will do anything to ensure that I will be successful, but I feel terrible about how much money they've wasted on me and all I've given them in return is a C+ in chemistry honors and a 3.4 unweighted and 3.6 weighted GPA. I want them to be proud of me and I want to believe I'm smart and that I can go to med school but I really don't know. And they're going to use even more money to get me a tutor so I can get into AP Bio next year, but I didn't even qualify this year! I honestly feel like such a horrible daughter and I feel so confused. I can't pay for college myself, and I want to make money in the future. I feel like sometimes you have to put your passions and wants on the side to make life better for you and the people around you.


Hi! Thanks for posting on the 2nd Floor Message Board. First of all let me say you certainly sound like a very intelligent, hard working, and caring young lady and daughter! I can feel the emotional bind you find yourself in: trying not to let your parents down while trying to sort out what career path is the most appealing and passionate to you! The last sentance of your post is the univeral question many adults have as they approach a lifetime career in the workforce. The choice is ultimately yours, however, it appears these decisions come down to one thing: what you determine a better quality of life to be: Is quality of life to you having more money for you and your family but at the cost of doing something you may not be passionate about and may not contribute to the welfare of others outside of your family? Or is quality of life to you having less money for you and your family but pursuing your passion and quite possibly effecting the lives of others outside of your family in ways you probably could never imagine. TOUGH QUESTION! But the difference in your situation is that your parents are playing a role in what direction you choose. Just remember, many many people go to school several times throughout their lives and change careers midstream. So, even if you feel like you are pressured into a vocation you may not be interested, later in life when you are self sufficent financially you may potentially be able to change careers and pursue your passion! Just a thought. Please call 2nd Floor at 888-222-22228 24 hours a day 7 days a week to talk about this important issue. Take care!

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