Hi! So, I'm a rising junior and this year is going to be so important academically. I only have a 3.4 unweighted GPA and a 3.6 weighted. I honestly don't know what I want to do with my life. I just tell everyone I want to be a psychiatrist because I feel forced to know what I want to do with my future, plus my parents won't pay for college unless I go for a professional degree. In my family, there are really only two choices: Medicine or Law. I hate most aspects of history (besides learning about the 1940s and 1960s), math and I hate science. I got a C in Cultures Honors and a C+ in chemistry honors (the reason why my GPA sucks). I really really love English but I'm not that great. I always finish with an A- in my honors English classes so I won't be able to take AP English until my senior year because I needed to finish with at least a 95, so I'll be taking Advanced Writing this year. This makes me feel dumb and sad and like I'm really not truly good at anything. I want to attend NYU more than anything but I don't think I would get in with my grades. For the most part, I'm an A- student besides Cultures honors and chemistry honors (classes my parents made me take) I'm also working on my standardized testing. I think I'll submit my ACT scores because on my last practice test I received a 21 and it was only my second time taking it. I know a 21 isn't great but I think I may be able to raise it to at least a 27 by the time I take it for real in Spring. I just wish there was a professional, stable well-paying career that I could get with an English or Creative Writing degree. My parents throw away all this money on me to get tutored in the sciences so I can go to med school and they just think I'm a lot smarter than I actually am. I realize how lucky I am to have parents that will do anything to ensure that I will be successful, but I feel terrible about how much money they've wasted on me and all I've given them in return is a C+ in chemistry honors and a 3.4 unweighted and 3.6 weighted GPA. I want them to be proud of me and I want to believe I'm smart and that I can go to med school but I really don't know. And they're going to use even more money to get me a tutor so I can get into AP Bio next year, but I didn't even qualify this year! I honestly feel like such a horrible daughter and I feel so confused. I can't pay for college myself, and I want to make money in the future. I feel like sometimes you have to put your passions and wants on the side to make life better for you and the people around you.