Relationships issues
Hi. Ive been having a really hard time communicating with my girlfriend when we have fights. Also, I’m having a really hard time figuring out how to bring up the topic of discussion again the next day to have a more concrete understanding of what I need to do to change to keep the relationship balanced. I don’t feel as if I’m being a very equal partner in this relationship and I’m scared I’ve too many wrongs and I won’t be able to change in time. I need advice desperately on what to do and how to be more confident in myself to make the right choices and make these hard conversations.
Super Moderator • 9 months, 1 week ago
Thank you for reaching out to 2ndfloor. I think a good way to bring up the conversation is to check in with her and let her know you would like to talk about something that is bothering you and ask her when would be a good time for her? This way you are letting her know that her time is important too. Why don't you feel like you're an equal partner? What do you feel you are doing wrong? Maybe she feels you are an equal partner. You need to talk to her and find out. If you would like to discuss this or anything else please reach out to 2ndfloor by message board, text or phone. Our number is 888-222-2228.
9 months, 1 week ago
I know I haven’t been being an equal partner because she has told me I haven’t been and she’s right. I have barely been doing anything on my own and I haven’t been doing an equal amount of work in the relationship as I wish I was. I feel so unmotivated most of the time and tired when I try and do anything and when I feel like I am doing something I know deep down it isn’t enough
1 month, 1 week ago
I have had this issue so many times, stay strong!! A relationship takes work its not just a one man job, be supportive stay there when she needs you! Talks things out and put her first!