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what to do

ok so there is this girl that i met through a friend. I have been talking to her for a little less than a year now. Ive been snap-chatting and texting her a lot asking to hang out. Its been on and off for a while now and we have tried to make plans to meet and to hang out but they would never fall through. Last week sometime we planed to meet up and go see a movie. I didn't really not know what to say but i said i was all for it. Later that day she tells me that she can't, so I tell her that my friend is throwing a huge party the week after and i told her she should go. She went and we finally met. I was really into her and she seemed really into me. We starting making out and hung out for the rest of the night. two days later she asks me to go to the movies, i said yeah and we went. at the movies we were talking and stuff she started cuddling with me witch i was totally find with. I knew that i should have kissed her or hooked up with her through the whole movie but i didn't... I know. We walk out and i walked her to her car we talked for a little but then she said she had to leave. I didn't even kiss her or hugged witch i know i totally should have but i didn't. I hated myself for the next couple of days. I texted her the day after i wanted to let her know that i just wanted to plan something out so we can hangout again, but when i texted her she barley wanted to talk. i got like two messages back, and then she ignored me, I saw her tweeting after i already texted her. (how i knew she ignored me). I just don't know what to do, I really like her a lot and just want to hang out more to get to know her but i don't want to keep texting her or trying to ask her to seem annoying. I feel like if she liked me or wanted to hangout again she wouldn't have ignored me or would at least texted me back. I don't know if maybe i should just move on


Since I don't know this girl or the way she will react I can give you some options that you can look at and weigh out which is the best for you. You could send her a text message that says something along the lines of "hey I'd like to hangout again soon, let me know when you're free". You could also try talking to her about her distance. You could ask if something is wrong. Ask her if maybe she just isn't interested anymore. You could also as you mentioned just move on. Maybe she will contact you maybe she won't. Liking someone is difficult and it won't feel great right away, but if she isn't answering you or trying to make plans, then you shouldn't continue to put in all this effort. It's clique but there are other girls out there and you will find someone who puts in the time and effort to get to know you. If you want to talk more call 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline 24/7 or text us daily 4-8PM at 888-222-2228.

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