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financially stuck...

Im in my 3rd year of college, unfortunately today I just filled out the paperwork for withdrawal. My dad doesn't want to cosign a loan for me financial aid has given me all the help that they can and I feel so lost, alone and stuck. Im trying to better myself get a degree to be able to have a very well paying job in this crazy world but everyone it seems is against me and not for me. I guess it doesn't help that I am adopted and my step mom constantly tells my dad im not his child and he doesn't have to do a thing for me because im 20 years old (just turned). and of course he listens to her. I have no job no car and now that I have to withdrawal from college my loan payments will start to kick in and I cant afford to pay them flipping burgers at mcdonalds. oh and did I mention they are giving me a week to find a job or I will be kicked out of the house? im soo tired of crying and being upset but what else can I do? I feel lonely,lost, unwanted and soo many other emotions all at once. I cant take it I don't know how to express my feelings anymore. better yet I don't know where im going to live if I cant find a job and support myself (with NO college degree) ughhh :(


This is a very tough situation to be in for you to be in. There are usually options for financial aid out there, but many need a parents help to co-sign. Can you possibly look into going to a less expensive school or a school close to your home so you don't have to live there? If not, there is always the option of finding employment (it doesn't have to be flipping burgers) and paying for school yourself. While it would be difficult, there are people that do it. Look around and see what kinds of opportunities are out there for you. Some jobs will even pay for your college education. Maybe look in the field you were getting your degree for opportunities and see what's out there. Don't give up, it's going to be difficult, but there are options out there if you're creative, resourceful and a hard worker. Call us anytime at 888-222-2228.

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