Switching schools?
I currently go to a private school, but I don't really have a good social life there. I want to go to a public school, because all of my friends are there. I am unhappy at the private school, but I feel like it will help me get farther in life. I told my parents and my mom is torn between the two options. Should I leave my bright future at the private school and go to the public school to be with my friends?
Super Moderator • 11 years, 1 month ago
Plenty of successful people have come from a public school background and plenty of unsuccessful people have come from private schools. Hard work, dedication and motivation are some keys to success that don't matter what sort of school you go to. Make the choice based on what is right for you. If you feel the public school will be better for you, then make the switch, just remember to continue to work hard toward your future and don't go crazy with the social life. Call us anytime at 888-222-2228.