So, there's this girl in my school and me and her used to be really close. REALLY CLOSE. And like, she just started drifting away from me. I understand that it's normal for friendships to end and new friendships to start because I've gone through that a lot. But this time it was different. She didn't leave me because I just wasn't the friend she was looking for, she left because I didn't wear or act the way the girls in my grade did. That lowkey kinda hurt. Then, I got mad and told my friends not be friends with her. But I got too guilty and just told everyone else that she was fine. Then, she sent me an apology letter over Gmail. Since, I felt guilty, I returned it with another letter about me telling my friends. The conversation continued but as I started getting casual and saying words like, Bro or kalm for fun, she replied with, "That's not how to reply to a apology letter." Well, fast-forward and it's in the middle of the year when she spreads a rumor that I was calling her and her friends names. She posted it as her snapcchat story. Naturally, I was very upset. Espcially when she said she was going to confront me. (That didn't happen) But eventually my classmates found out and now like, half the grade dosen't like me for a thing I didn't do! What should I do?!