Ive Lost Her
Today my girlfriend decided to break up with me, over text no less, and it's taken a huge toll on me. I know it sounds cheesy, but we both wanted to be together and work together throughout and past high school. I thought for sure we were going to make it through high school, but today was not the case. I'm just honestly letting it out because I just don't know what to do. We've been dating for 9 months, technically longer but things got in the way. For the past two months I was away at a camp and I had no service whatsoever so I couldn't obviously text her. When I can back, I noticed she didn't want to talk to me as much anymore, and all together changed. She grew harsher towards me, and I didn't feel like I had the same baby girl I loved. And so when I pointed that out today, she got angry with me, saying that it's my fault cause I was away, and said she fell out of love with me. I know I'm not the greatest boyfriend, and yeah we've had our arguments like any other relationship, but you can't just say you fall out of love with someone after being with them for so long. And it's just really hurting me and I don't know what to do and it's just. Awful. I've been crying, admittedly, and I've just been sore in my heart. I just wanted to vent, so sorry for it being so long. I don't really have anyone to talk to, she was the only person that would listen to me, and I can't even do that anymore.
Super Moderator • 8 years, 6 months ago
I'm sorry to hear that you're in a lot of pain right now. However, I'm glad that you're expressing what you're feeling and making an effort to get more support. Maintaining a long-distance relationship can be difficult, even if the distance is only temporary. It sounds like you did the right thing in addressing the differences you noticed in your relationship. It also seems like your ex girlfriend may have had some feelings about you going away to camp. What you are feeling right now is completely normal and understandable, as breakups can be devastating. It sounds like this breakup is especially painful for you, as you mentioned that your ex girlfriend was a big part of your support system. What can be helpful during this time is reaching out to those you are close to. Family members, friends, anyone you can connect with who can keep you from being isolated with your emotions. Leaning on others during this time can help you to heal. Staying physically active can also be beneficial in reducing stress and improving your mood. Since school is starting up again, this can be an opportunity to get involved in extracurricular activities/clubs that will help you to connect with new people and stay active. Expanding your support system with new friends can help you to heal as well. I hope this can be helpful! Thank you for reaching out to 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline! You can reach us 24/7 at 888-222-2228. We also have texting available from 12pm-8pm. Please don't hesitate to reach out!