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My friend

Hi I'm scared my friend is being used by her boyfriend. They have been dating for 14 months now and she has been trying to take it a step further because she wants to have her first kiss with him but he runs away and acts like a baby. We both thing that he is using here for a title because she is popular and we think that he is dating her to become more popular. He is always bringing her down and ignoring her and talking to other girls. We are in 7th grade and I need help I don't know how to tell her and she won't break up with him.


Relationships can be a tricky thing when friends are involved. You might believe strongly that she should break up with him because he is only using her. However, as a friend your role should be to express your thoughts and opinions to her, then allow her to make up her mind on her own as to what she wants to do, and then support her in whatever that decision is. You don't have to agree with it, you don't even have to like the boyfriend, but as long as she's not in any type of danger, you are probably best off being there for her as a friend and support system. Call or text us at 888-222-2228.

This is a safe space to share what's on your mind and to get support from real people.

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