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my life sucks

im a bully and i want to change.


It's great that you are recognizing that your bullying behavior is not a good thing and that you are looking to change that aspect of your life. One way to start the process of changing is to attempt to make ammends with the people you have bullied. They may or may not forgive you, but reaching out to them and letting them know you are sorry may help you start the process of moving away from those types of behaviors. Secondly, try to find out why you were acting like a bully, what did you gain from it? Maybe finding out another way to gain that feeling will help you stop bullying as well. In any sense, pat yourself on the back for taking a step to better yourself. Call us anytime at 888-222-2228.

This is a safe space to share what's on your mind and to get support from real people.

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