since the beginning of the school year, when this new kid moved to my school, right from the first day he caught my eye. he has only one class with me but I see him often in school. My close friend is really good friends with him and so i told her about how I feel and the other day she told him to go and talk to me, he said yes he would. He came from nevada and people say he is really shy because he lost lots of friends there, but I am super shy there too which is why I think nothing will ever happen. he said he was gonna talk to me yet nothing happened. I wanna make the first move so badly but I just dont have the courage, plz help.
Super Moderator • 8 years, 1 month ago
Maybe don’t put so much pressure on yourself. Have you tried to get together as a group, since you mentioned that your friend is a friend of his already? See if a group of you all can go grab a bite to eat and keep it casual, that way there won’t be so much pressure on either of you. You can also just say hello to him in school and see where that goes. See if you have common interest or since you share that class together talk about the work or something to start a conversation. Getting to know someone as a friend can be the best way to transition into dating if you guys are compatible. Also, see if he plays any sports, you and your mutual friend could possible go to a game or practice? Just a thought. Hopefully this gave you some ideas but if you want to talk more about this or anything else, please give 2NDFLOOR a call at 888-222-2228 or text us at the same number. Good Luck!