Hello, I wish to remain anonymous, but I need a lot of help right now. I just graduated 8th grade, and my band director didn't show up for graduation this past June. Well, I found out that he has got caught up in serious trouble with placing his iPod under a female student and filming her "intimate parts". Well, the courts have seized all of his media storage devices, and found what they were looking for. However, he pleas not guilty. If he is charged guilty, he can face up to 5 years in prison. So, do i have the right to attend the next court date and share a letter that I would like to say at his court date asking the judge for leniency? He has always been there to me, and guilty or not, I must remain loyal because he has been there for all of us band members and he was like a second father. I look up to him because I lost my father back in 2006, and he has a special place in my heart. I want to share my letter in person, however I do not want to get myself in legal trouble or himself in any more legal trouble. Please somebody get back to me ASAP, so I can figure out what I am going to do. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, respond, and help.