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So me and my boyfriend were having sex and he was acting silly and making joke I said stop cause gonna stop me from being horny but he did not stop and I got dried 2 later and he starting to yell at me saying that if I m not ready to have sex dont ask to have sex and he dont even warn me up to have sex he just want me to get on top but I told him before that you have to play with me but he never do it well he was going grazy talking talking after a while he calm down and starting talking like with have a baby with dont have time to have sex all the time our life is stress out cause we don't have a job blah blah but sometime he cum in less than 1 minute and I dont complain about that I was so sad last night cause he keep yelling at me you are dried dried I took the last condom we have in my closet and broke it cause I dont want to have sex with him no more also he take pills and he get so irritated when he do I just want to leave I need to know do he have the reason saying we have a baby to take of and sometime we don't have time for sex? Or I have the reason plz 😓 this relationship is up and down


You should check out these two websites that can better assist you with your specific sexual questions:
If you would like to discuss this further please give us a call at the 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline. We are here 24/7 at 888-222-2228. You can also text us at this number daily between 4pm and 8pm.

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