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horniness :(


so idk if this is about puberty or what, but I've been feeling horny around one of my friends, help please!!! I'm not used to this.


Hello! Thanks for reaching out! So yes, you are correct, puberty can be playing a big role in how you currently feel no thanks to the hormones. If you notice that being around a particular friend is a challenge, then try to be prepared for it with a plan. Such as if you notice the feelings starting to arise to distract yourself with other thoughts or excuse yourself to the bathroom to put very cold water on your hands or face. Anything that will divert your attention. These feelings should pass as you adjust to them, just be sure not to act on them for risk of losing a friendship. If you would like to talk about this or anything else further please reach out to 2NDFLOOR via text/call anytime 24/7 at 1(888)222-2228.

Bright Partner

Thank you for reaching out. Sometimes feelings that we have towards friends and others can get confusing and just know that this is totally normal. If these are not feelings you wish to act on, just try to rationalize to yourself that sometimes deep love for a close friend may feel like something more at times but does not mean that it is actually there.

Bright Ally

Thank you for sharing your experience. As the previous posts have said sometimes these kinds of feelings can arise and it may be confusing at the time. If you do not want to pursue these feelings, you can try to think it through to see if you can come to terms with those feelings. Eventually these feelings will fade away with time and you can go back to how your friendship was before these feelings came about.

Sunny Mate

Thank you for sharing. What you are feeling is completely normal! As we grow up, both our body and thought processes begin to change. We start to view ourselves and others differently, and sometimes sexual feelings may arise. If you start to feel overwhelmed by these feelings, it is best to excuse yourself and try thinking about other things. As you mature, you will start to have more control over these feelings, but it takes time and that is totally okay. Hope this was helpful!

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