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ex friend is still my crush

I've had a crush on this person for 4 years, and they were my best friend but our friend group split apart completely and they go to a different school now. i want to reach out and talk to them because i miss them, but if i do my current friends will abandon me due to our friendship group situation. ive tried to let them go, but i keep hanging onto my feelings for this person. what do i do?


This definitely sounds like a difficult situation. Your friends should understand that this is your choice though. If they truly care about you they will not let your decision ruin a friendship. Reaching out and just talking to this person does not sounds like a big deal. You can talk to whoever you want. You need to go with what your heart feels is right and then deal with what happens from there. If you would like to talk in more detail about this situation you can call or text us here at the 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline. We are here 24/7 at 888-222-2228. Good luck.

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