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Act of Violence

Yesterday March 6th was the first year since my grandma's passed away. As everyone I was very emotional that day. While I was walking to my classes line in the cafeteria to go to 6th period I remember crying a little bit thinking about my grandma. Out of nowhere I felt my hair be pulled from behind hard. To where I stumbled back. I turned around and saw that a classmate of mine witnessed what happened. I am sure that I now have him as a witness to what happened. I am 90% sure who did it. He is probably one of the most misbehaved kid in my school.He began laughing afterwards. After that happened I just started full on crying because of what today was for me. I hid myself. During class I went from feeling sad to angry. Very angry. Should I talk to a counselor or something because I don't want him to get away with it but I also don't want to cause problems with his 'friend's who are mostly in my class.


Sorry to hear about the loss of your grandmother. You should go to guidance to discuss what happened with this kid, its not okay that he thinks his behavior is acceptable. Also, talk to guidance about your grief when you are emotional that is what he/she is there for. Hang in there! You can also look up information at Text or call 2NDFLOOR anytime we are always here at 888-222-2228.

This is a safe space to share what's on your mind and to get support from real people.

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