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idk i need to leave this house

i don't know if i'm getting verbally abused but whatever it is its hurting me it slowly brings me back to the place i working on getting out if she messes up something she'll get mad at me and call me useless and be like "you have no brain whatsoever " " your retarded" and i hate being reminded of my past but idk she'll still bring it up like if i do something that she doesn't like she bring my past up and stuff i did. i wanna leave i don't wanna be in this house anymore before it was just my step dad then it was my mom and now its both. like if my step dad does something that i see was disrespectful ill tell my mom then she'll blame it on me but then she expects me to talk to her about my problems.when she does messed up stuff and says messed up stuff to me she'll like buy me something after like that's gonna change anything. and alot more idk what else to do


I am glad you reached out! It sounds like a stressful situation to be in. It must be difficult to have these experiences at home. Have you ever spoken to your mom about these feelings? It would be helpful to try talking to her about how you are feeling, ideally at a time when you are both in a calm state so emotions don't get in the way. It may also help to find a safe place outside of your home where you can go to temporarily escape the stress. Somewhere like a friends house, family members house, even a local park would do well. Another idea would be to try to engage with your mother in tasks that can help to build your relationship. Maybe by spending time with her and doing things with her it will help to reduce the amount of negative interaction you have with her. If you would like to talk about this or anything else further please remember that you can reach out to 2NDFLOOR via text or call anytime 24/7 at 1(888) 222-2228.

Bright Buddy

when i try to talk to her she makes it my fault that's why i really don't talk to her she doesn't let me go anywhere unless its with her

Cheerful Fellow

I can definitely relate to what you are going through.

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