Can I get my boyfriend a promise ring?
I understand that traditionally, guys get their girlfriends promise rings. But I don't trust that my boyfriend would get the right ring. He's so sweet and caring, and is cherish any ring he'd give me. But I want something specific. Like I want the moment when he gives me the ring to be a surprise, so I don't wanna come out and say what kind of ring I want. I also don't want him to spend a ton of money on a ring that I didn't necessarily like. I want a simple band or a ring with both of our birthstones. But I don't know how to make that work unless I bought the rings and surprised him... We don't have a gender-roled relationship, at all. So he would be so flattered to get a promise ring. I just don't know what to do.
Super Moderator • 7 years, 5 months ago
There's nothing wrong with doing something that isn't "traditional" as long as it's something you are comfortable doing. If you have very specific requirements in mind, you can try dropping hints like saying you've always liked jewelry with birthstones on it or something like that. This way maybe he'll pick up the hint and you could still have your surprise. If that doesn't work out though there's nothing wrong with breaking norms and traditions as long as it's ok with you. Call or text us anytime at 888-222-2228.
7 years, 5 months ago
Honestly, don't worry about doing non traditional things. I am planning on proposing to my boyfriend next month (and I've thought the same thing). Just do whatever makes you comfortable.
1 year, 2 months ago
Of course you can!! Couples give each other a promise ring when their relationship is secure, and healthy. You two love each other a lot, so go ahead! Surprise him, and see how happy he is! <) I gave my boyfriend a promise ring, and it's a fidget one that's the color of silver. He got me one unintentionally, and it's a silver snake <) something that i love and cherish dearly.