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True Roumors

Last year, I had a bladder problem and one day I accidentally wet myself. But I thought that it wasn't noticeable so I just went on to my next class. But no. A group of boys noticed and they laughed. So I wrapped my jacket around my waist to hide it. As an excuse, I said I got my period. Now, (a year later) someone just happened to bring it up and told someone I know. They told me and I just used my exucse but I really don't think they believed me. But I really wanna keep the roumor from spreading because I've liked this boy for so long and waited 5 years for an 'I like you, too". Not too long ago, that text came but now here I am stuck in the middle of this roumor. But I told him the excuse and stuff but if the roumor is still gonna be said over and over again, I don't want other people to believe it and I don't wanna lose him now.😞


I understand rumors can be upsetting and frustrating, but we also can't control what other people say. Sometimes people create rumors or stories to get a reaction out of someone. You could approach the situation like the rumor doesn't bother you. If it gets brought up repeat your side of the story and then mention that you don't know why this is being brought up long after it happened. Eventually rumors die down if you just leave them alone. Then there will be another rumor that gets brought up about something else. If you want to talk more you can also call/text 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline 24.7 at 888-222-2228.

This is a safe space to share what's on your mind and to get support from real people.

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