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So lately I’ve been having thoughts about suicidal things. I’ve been cutting myself and now my parents and therapist know. But they aren’t helping.. they are just saying to stop. So ofc I’m going to do the opposite because it’s just the way my brain works. I believe it would be better to just stop my habit of sh, but I just can’t stop cutting.. it’s a addiction.. and my friends now know, they know because I wear really baggy clothes to school and when I raised my hand to answer a question my sleeve rolled down because of how baggy my shirt was, so now my whole 3rd period class knows… I just don’t know what to do anymore


Hello! I am glad you reached out! I am also glad to hear that you are meeting with a counselor and that your parents are aware of what is going on. Have you told your counselor that you do not think the conversations are helping? Or that the self harm is an addiction for you? Perhaps you could get more out of your sessions if you ask the counselor specific skills you could use to reduce the urge to self harm. A couple of safer options you can try are to snap a rubber band on the site where you feel the urge, or to hold an ice cubes to that spot.

I know you may not have wanted your friends (or the folks in 3rd period) to know of your personal situation, but perhaps it isn’t the worst thing to happen. It may be helpful to have your friends as support with this. Have you spoken with any of them since they found out? Maybe you can have a conversation with them and tell them how you are feeling.

If you feel like you are experiencing suicidal thoughts please remember that help is always available to you. If you do not wish to speak to your family or counselor about these thoughts you can try reaching out to 988 at any time. You can also chat with one of our counselors through the chat box on your app. Remember that help is just a SECOND away anytime 24/7.

Sunny Companion

Telling you to just stop? Or giving you coping skills to stop? Coping skills are better than going "cold turkey". I'm here for you

Gentle Ally

I'm really sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. It's really important that you talk to someone who can help you, such as a mental health professional or a trusted adult. You don't have to go through this alone, and there are people who want to support you. Please reach out for help.

This is a safe space to share what's on your mind and to get support from real people.

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