My partner and i have been dating for almost 11 months now but i dont know if i should break up with them or not because sometimes it seems like they want nothing to do with me and then other times they want to call me pet names and tells me they miss me. But its mostly they want nothing to do with me and neither of us are very good at communicating but the times that we are together and they want me are incredible and i love them but if i let go of them i dont know if we'll still be friends. When i write long paragraphs, they give me one word. We dont hang out much and we dont show a lot of affection i public and they always blame it on me, they pretend like i dont ask to hang out or do anything but they dont either and they dont give one bit of affection towards me though. Of course people say talk about it to them but its not that easy. Theyve broken up with me before and i took them back right away and showed them i was that easy, pathetic. But i dont know what to do because i dont know if they even love me anymore.