they don't get me...
I don't get it.. People in my school don't understand I have trouble being "Mature". Like I feel like there is something wrong with me or something because to many people just don't understand. I make random noises like shrieking and they don't get that it makes me comfortable. Whenever I make these noises they say "Stop you are so annoying and childish!" I try telling them to please understand that I may act like this but they still don't listen like I am a ghost! I been hearing so many people talking behind my back saying "Oh she's childish" or "Oh, she is not mature!" LIKE, it annoys me.
Super Moderator • 3 months, 1 week ago
Thanks for reaching out. That sounds like it could be very frustrating. People could be very mean and not understanding. It’s important to try and be assertive and stick up for yourself. You may not be able to change or control their words or opinions, but you can control your feelings. You are who you are and should be proud and confident. What you are doing or how you are acting is not hurting anyone and that’s what matters. So continue being you! If you would like to talk about this further you can text us in our app or call our 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline at 888-222-2228. We are available 24/7 so you can reach out anytime.
3 months, 1 week ago
I'm really sorry to hear that people at school are being mean to you. It’s really hard when others don’t understand you. Everyone is different, and that's okay! Making noises that make you feel comfortable is your way of being yourself, and you shouldn’t have to change who you are for others. It’s not fair that they are calling you names. You deserve to be treated with kindness and respect. Maybe you could talk to a teacher or a trusted adult about how you’re feeling? They might be able to help. Remember, you’re not alone, and there are people who care about you!